About Jordan

Jordan is from Los Angeles, California, he enjoys game shows, talking internet, and munch!

Let's End 2023!

Let's End 2023!

Hello Everybody, this is Jordan from December 9, 2023.

It’s my last episode of the year (ignore the archive coming up on Monday)

I know it’s been a very rough year for me, but a very fun year of game shows.

This week, we are tackling THREE titles, two based off IPs, and one based off an IP of a game show.

007: ROAD TO A MILLION - Brian Cox serves as the narrator and host of a 007-themed series where teams go on missions to win not money, but questions. All themed around James Bond, like the time he had to deal with oh no snakes and spiders!

SQUID GAME: THE CHALLENGE - Remember Emmy Winning Series Squid Game? The anti-capitalist, reality-television reflected series where a person is in debt and plays childish games to win a cash prize? They decided to turn it into a reality television series where 456 players have a chance to win $4.56 Million - but instead of a tug-of-war (not balanced, reality challenge producers need fairness), it’s more games of chance and socializing. They can’t fall down a trap door.

DEAL OR NO DEAL (ITV) - When game shows were all trying to do Millionaire, Deal or No Deal gave us what looked like a loft or attic that was warm and cozy. With values going from 1p to 250,000 and a power five of 35/50/75/100/250 that meant some lives could change in the span of an hour. But what happens when the Dream Factory has it’s budget removed, so your goals and aspirations isn’t “buying a house” but instead “paying for groceries for the week” WELCOME TO THE BRAND NEW VERSION OF DEAL OR NO DEAL, WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?

Also, a quick review of Quiz Lady, a few game shows up ahead in January. and now it’s time for me to sleep.

patreon.com/jordanhass if you want the tip jar.

nighty night. have a great holiday season.

The Dating Game

The Dating Game

Poker Face

Poker Face